Soil and Water Conservation District
- Contact Info -
Hardin Soil & Water Conservation District
12751 St. Rt. 309 W.
Kenton, Ohio 43326
Phone: (419) 673 0456, ext. 3
Hours: Mon-Fri, 8 – 4.30
Livestock Practices
The Hardin Soil and Water Conservation District offers the following services for livestock producers:
- Designs for Structures and Equipment
- Nutrient Management Plans
- Soil and Manure Testing
- Emergency and Spill Plans
- Field Days and Certification Classes
Following are a few practices we work with:
Access road for livestock
Manure Dry Stack Storage
A place where manure can be stored for a period of time until field conditions are favorable for land application. Also used to store manure through the winter months.
Manure Holding Pond
Used to store liquid manure, usually sized to hold one year’s worth of manure, before land application.
Tile Stops
Shut off valves installed in a field tile system to shut off field drainage tile in the case of manure entering tile system and keep it from flowing to a stream.
Mortality Composting
A way for producers to manage animal mortalities on the farm in an environmentally responsible manner.
Nutrient Management Planning
These plans look at the soil nutrient tests for fields, what nutrients the crop will require and balance those needs with the nutrients that are available through the livestock manure.